Annelies Jaspers

... where analytics and travel come together!

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Hi! I am Annelies.

I am a mathematician passionate about analytics and travel. I will write about my adventures (in my two passions) here. Coming soon!

About me professionally

In 2017, I finished my PhD in Mathematics at the University of Leuven in Belgium and the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. I specialised in Algebraic Geometry and you can find my PhD thesis here.

After my PhD, I started as a consultant at Addestino Innovation Managent in Belgium. Addestino is a boutique management consulting firm focused on innovation and strategy projects for IT departments. For example, I advised a governmental institution about innovating by developing an app.

I moved to London in September 2018, and unfortunately, this meant I had to leave Addestino. But this also meant I had the opportunity to start as a research analyst at Howe Robinson Partners, a shipbroking company. Howe Robinson hired me to further develop their research in a more “data intelligent” way.